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Limpal Colombia
We are a feminist, pacifist and antimilitarist organization that works for the construction of peace and the recognition, defense and protection of the rights of women and girls in Colombia. We are part of the Women's International League For Peace and Freedom (WILPF) movement recognized as the oldest women's peace organization in the world.

Limpal Colombia
Somos una organización feminista, pacifista y antimilitarista que trabaja por la construcción de paz y el reconocimiento, la defensa y la protección de los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas en Colombia. Hacemos parte del movimiento Women´s International League For Peace and Freedom (WILPF) reconocida como la organización pacifista de mujeres más antigua del mundo.
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Brave women
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Dignified life
The visible heroines of Meta
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Feminist and antimilitarist peace schedule
The feminist women of Colombia are with peace
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Activism and political advocacy