In Limpal we advocate for the recognition, defense and protection of the human rights of women and girls as a way to achieve peace. This commitment is carried out from a feminist and intersectional approach, which recognizes the diversity in terms of class, ethnicity and gender that women have and the specificities of defending their rights in Colombia.
Here some of our reasons:
According to the WIN-Mujer survey (2017), only 20% of Colombians think that in Colombia their rights are respected.
Although the country has a solid legal framework to guarantee the rights of women and girls, in practice there are many barriers on issues such as political participation, the labor and care field and the right to a life free of violence within and outside the armed conflict.
In the new post-conflict stage in Colombia, aggressions against social leaders have increased. 155 of them were killed during 2018, and 583 were threatened to prevent them from continuing their work in defense of human rights.
Our work defending the rights of women and girls is based on the idea that their full and effective guarantee depends on social change. In this sense, we accompany the women of the territories in their process of their own recognition as subjects of rights. This is done through training workshops and psychosocial and legal support, so that these women subsequently carry out advocacy processes to improve their quality of life.
In addition, we investigate the different manifestations of the violations of rights suffered by women and girls and disseminate pedagogical and communicative contents that seek to sensitize public opinion on this issue. At an international level, in collaboration with our WILPF sisters, we raise our voice about the situation of women's and girls' rights in Colombia.
Some of our postulates are:
Human rights violations of women and girls in Colombia are recurring and unacceptable. The Colombian government and its institutions must commit to the guarantee of their rights and attack the barriers that exist to access measures of protection, attention and access to justice.
An action plan is urgently needed by the national government that definitively stops the murders and aggressions of social leaders, as well as of all people in the process of reinstatement. The voice of the mentioned women victims is the voice of the defense of human rights in the territories of Colombia.
For the effective guarantee of women's human rights, it is important that the entire United Nations system continues to be present in the territories that sustains and helps consolidate peace.