Resolution 1325

Feminist Human Security: broadening the framework for the interpretation of the Resolution 1325

Date: October 2021

This publication presents an analysis proposal on feminist human security based on reflections, interpretations, narratives and discourses that the organization LIMPAL Colombia has been developing around human security from a feminist perspective, situated in the experience of women in the Colombian context.

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Bodily Harmonies: Memory and Resistance of Women Defenders, Following-up on Resolution 1325

Date: March 2020

The most recent publication of the Liga Internacional de Mujeres Por La Paz y La Libertad – LIMPAL Colombia (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom – WILPF Colombia), Sintonías corporales (Bodily Harmonies), deals with the mental health and psychosocial issues of female human rights leaders in Colombia. The report Sintonías corporales adopts the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1325, adopted in 2000, as a framework. The resolution calls on UN member states, but especially the parties in a conflict, to protect the rights of women and ensure their active participation in peace negotiations, conflict settlement and reconstruction.

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Striving for Women’s Reintegration with Dignity: Follow-up Report on the Resolution 1325 with Recommendations for the Reintegration Processes

Date: October 2019

This report analyses the reincorporation process of female FARC-EP members in relation to the Resolution 1325 from a gender and women's rights perspective, based on the importance of reintegration for the transformation of Colombia. The research gathers the experiences of 20 reincorporated women, as well as the voices of various entities that outline the obstacles that women have faced during the attempt to experience a dignified reintegration process into civilian life.

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Violence and Peacebuilding: Challenges and Difficulties for the women in Meta and Caquetá

Date: May 2018

This report follows up the Resolution 1325, the Law 1257/2008 and the Final Peace Agreement in the municipalities of La Macarena, Mesetas and Vista Hermosa, Meta, La Montañita and San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá. It sheds light on the violence experienced by women in these territories as well as the role of the entities committed to solve those problems.

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Disarming life: Reflections on Resolution 1325, Disarmament and Women in Colombia

Date: June 2016

This document sheds light on perspectives and questions about the construction of a stable and lasting peace centering the experiences, needs and ideas of women. The research combines elements of international law, particularly those that are part of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, and accounts of the lived realities of women living in diverse Colombian territories around the questions of disarmament, demilitarization and the trade of small arms in a post-conflict scenario.

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Participating in the shadow of Resolution 1325

Date: February 2012

This publication analyses the situation in Bolívar in terms of women's participation, citizenship monitoring, access to justice, case prosecution, implementation of Resolution 1325 as well as related resolutions of the department. Additionally, it contains an analysis of the activities and results obtained through citizenship monitoring carried out in the region. This document can be seen as an advocacy tool from an inclusive democracy perspective.

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