
foto ecofeminismo

WILPF Colombia has been expanding its framework of reflections and actions by incorporating ecofeminist proposals, practices and commitments into the peacebuilding agendas of diverse women based on its work with collectives in the areas where it is present and with the WILPF network at the international level.

In this regard, we have been identifying the links between the ecological crisis and the environmental impacts of an extractivist, capitalist and militarized development model with the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. We seek to generate innovative contributions, from a critical perspective, based on the analysis of the local, national and international context on issues related to the situation of violence against women, the risks of women leaders and environmental defenders, the budgets allocated to the defense and security sector, as well as the impact that the production and trade of arms has on our country and on women's bodies.

We believe that ecofeminist perspectives offer elements that allow us to deepen the articulation of feminist agendas, territorial defenses and the care of life, the environment and nature. In this way we can have tools that allow us to recognize and replicate knowledge and practices based on the struggles of women defenders of environmental and territorial rights from their own narratives and experiences. Ecofeminism is a powerful articulating axis of social and environmental order that helps us to deconstruct extractivist and militarist logics and other forms of domination.

From this perspective, we seek to strengthen the processes of policy advocacy and the positioning of women's peace, security and development agendas that promote the transformation of the anthropocentric and male-centered power relations with nature, which are replicated in society through a model that exploits the land and women's bodies. Violence against territories is also violence against women and their sources of life.

Our actions are aimed at positioning the reflections and practices of diverse women on sustaining life and building a comprehensive and transformative peace that involves gender justice, environmental justice and other forms of security for women in relation to the care of the land, taking into account our interdependence and eco-dependence.

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