I am a peace builder
Date: Mayo 2022
La bitácora Soy Constructora de Paz es una herramienta didáctica que contribuye a mejorar la comprensión de la Resolución 1325 del 2000 del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas y sus componentes: i) La participación, ii) La protección, iii) La prevención, iv) Socorro y recuperación, dando inicio a la agenda internacional de resoluciones sobre Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad. Se trata de un material que promueve reflexiones y análisis situados teniendo en cuenta que, por primera vez, se reconoce en el marco internacional la participación de las mujeres y la inclusión de sus derechos en los procesos de construcción y consolidación de la paz en escenarios de conflicto y postconflicto.
En ella hay varias secciones que permiten obtener aclaraciones conceptuales a través de las experiencias de 4 mujeres provenientes de distintos lugares del país, quienes comparten sus vivencias individuales y colectivas en las que se vinculan los 4 componentes de la R1325, además se proponen algunas actividades que dinamizan el contenido temático.
Esperamos que esta bitácora brinde orientaciones pertinentes y didácticas que faciliten la apropiación, reflexiones y aportes territoriales, desde las realidades, necesidades y problemáticas de las mujeres en sus diversidades, y del reconocimiento de las acciones a favor de la construcción de paz que vienen realizando.
Transgressors Kit
Date: March 2022
This publication is called Transgressors, as an adjective that characterizes female human rights defenders in Colombia, as they face many obstacles and challenges on a daily basis, persistently achieving progress towards the recognition, protection and guarantee of the rights of their communities, territories and particularly women. The content of this booklet is directed at women defenders and provides key guidance on comprehensive protection, knowledge and use of legal tools, on the territorialization of the Integral Program of Guarantees for female leaders and defenders - PIG, and on collective care and self-care from the ancestral practices of women in the territories.
Masculinities / The Men’s Role
Date: September 2021
This publication seeks to give continuity to the work carried out by LIMPAL Colombia for 22 years with women and men from rural, urban and educational communities that addresses elements focused on gender equity and violence prevention, integrating the pedagogical work on masculinities, taking into account the role of men in reducing violence and increasing care and equity practices in communities, homes and schools.
Together We Take Care of Each other’s
Date: September 2021
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - WILPF Colombia - provides women human rights defenders with this material, which gathers the reflections of women in the territories, within the framework of the accompaniment and strengthening of the organizational processes in different territories of the country. With this booklet "Self-care pills for women defenders #1: Herbal medicine for care" we seek to vindicate ancestral self-care practices and put self-care at the center of the political discussion, in order to establish healing leaderships for women leaders and defenders and to generate sustainable activism.
We hope that this material accompanies them on their path of defense for life and the rights of girls, young women, adults and their territories.
I am valuable
Date: August 2021
These book series, inspired by the book "Destroy this diary" by Keri Smith, is an interactive tool for working with girls and adolescents and brings together activities, reflections and information on sexual and reproductive rights, self-recognition and self-care, among others.
Women celebrating Life, Memory and Reconciliation
Date: March 2019
This photobook tells the story of the recognition of a group of women in Mesetas , Puerto Rico and Vista Hermosa, Meta through photographs and testimonies as visible heroines in the framework of the project "En clave de reconciliación: reconstrucción de memoria histórica de las mujeres del Meta" ("The key to reconciliation: reconstruction of the historical memory of the women of Meta") implemented by LIMPAL Colombia and supported by USAID's Partnerships for Reconciliation Program and ACDIVOCA. The photobook is a product of a series of workshops on memory and reconciliation whose objective was – by applying a feminist perspective – to construct a story of women not as passive victims, but as heroines who transform realities.
I am extraordinary
Date: December 2018
This book series, inspired by the book "Destroy this diary" by Keri Smith, is an interactive tool for working with girls and adolescents that brings together activities, reflections and information around topics such as girls' rights, self-recognition, self-care, non-violent masculinities and prevention of violence against women and girls, among others.
Violence against women concerns everyone
Date: February 2010
This booklet explains in clear language all about violence against women in Colombia and the Law 1257 of 2008. The information was compiled from research and documents of organizations that promote the defense of women's rights, as well as from LIMPAL’s own community experience gained from the implementation of the project of the same name in different localities in the city of Cartagena. This document particularly directed at women and men interested in the promotion, prevention and defense of women victims of gender violence.